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Intelligent London - Skills Match    
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Careers Advisor School or College Planner and Policy Maker Employer

Welcome to Skills Match, the interactive tool which allows the visual exploration of the relationship between skills supply and employer demand (at Level 3 and below) in London up to 2020. It brings together skills data and labour market data enabling policy-makers, practitioners and employers to take an intelligence-led, geographically-specific approach to addressing youth unemployment in London.

Skills Match was developed by MIME Consulting in partnership with London Councils, and was funded by the Open Data Breakthrough Fund. As well as being a tool that can help practitioners improve their understanding of the London skills and labour market, we hope that Skills Match can be used as a foundation for further exploration by other data analysts; please get in touch if you're interested in working with us on this.

To start exploring the analysis, select your user type from the options above.
Health Warning
Please note that Skills Match is in beta which means that the methodology used to produce the analysis, and therefore the analysis itself, is subject to change. Hence, please treat all analysis as indicative only.

For information on the methodology used, please refer to the FAQ section. We welcome any comments on any data anomalies found or suggestions for adapting the methodology. Please email us at, or we would be grateful for your comments via our feedback survey.

Skills Match - Terms and Conditions

The analysis behind Skills Match is complicated and requires a number of assumptions to be made. It is important that anyone using Skills Match to provide information, advice and guidance or to plan provision understand how the analysis has been produced and its limitations.

Please read the full Terms and Conditions document which you can download here

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