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Skills Supply and Employer Demand Map
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The map below compares future skills supply and projected vacancies in each London local authority, for courses and jobs at Level 3 and below.
The analysis shows, at a Local Authority level, the number of young people projected to be available to the labour market having studied a particular subject (left hand map), with the number of projected job vacancies in occupations linked to those subjects (right hand map).
Note that the demand is based on where the job is located, while the supply is based on young people’s place of residence; however, in practice clearly people will travel between local authorities (and indeed from outside of London) in order to take up a job. Hence, all numbers should be treated as a broad indication of the relative projected supply and demand in each LA. In some cases, it may be helpful to look at demand in a particular Local Authority, and compare this to a supply from a number of surrounding Local Authorities.
The colour coding shows the relative volume of projected vacancies/young people in each local authority, and changes depending on the filters selected. Green shows local authorities with relatively high numbers compared to the others visible, purple shows those with relatively low numbers.
In some cases, although there may be limited demand at level 3 and below, there will be significant demand at higher levels (i.e. for learners with degree level qualifications)
- Use the drop-downs above the chart to change the sector subject area, year of projections shown (up to 2020) or to breakdown the analysis by the level of qualification.
- Choose whether to display all or just some London local authorities.
- “Remove learners for progression to education” reduces the projected supply from Level 3 courses on the assumption that 66% of academic Level 3 learners and 43% of vocational Level 3 learners go on to Higher Education.
- Use the “Qual Type” drop-down to choose to look at just vocational or academic qualifications. Vocational qualifications can be a better way of comparing to job vacancies in some sectors.
The demand analysis is based on labour market growth projections from UKCES (which create job vacancies), as well as an element of “replacement demand” (people that leave the sector and require replacing) in each sector. Click to see more on the demand modelling approach used.
Supply data (i.e. number of people successfully completing courses) is produced by looking at the historical trends of data in different subjects and levels, and projecting these forward. Click to see more on the supply modelling approach used.
Jobs are matched to curriculum subjects that are linked to them using a mapping algorithm tested by a steering group. Click to see more on the matching approach used.
Please make sure you understand the caveats involved in this analysis before using it to provide advice and guidance. Click here to see full list of caveats.