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Careers Advisors

Careers Advisors
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Careers Advisors can use Skills Match to provide more informed advice to young people by looking at future employment trends and comparing this with the subjects that young people are studying.

The following analysis options are available:

Analysis Report Details You might want to use this report to answer:
Forecasts of learners successfully completing courses in different subject areas, compared with the vacancies linked to those subject areas,for courses and jobs at Level 3 and below. Split by top-level sector subject areas, or individual subjects, as well as level of qualification. What sectors look like they will have the greatest difference between supply and demand when a young person leaves school?
What specific subject areas show the largest gaps?
Forecast trends of new vacancies to 2020 linked to their related subject area for courses and jobs at Level 3 and below, split by sector subject and level. Are the number of vacancies likely to increase or decrease over the coming years for subject areas chosen by young people?
Map of educational establishments in London that have historically offered different subjects at level 3, split by type of qualification. For young people considering leaving their current school at 16, what providers locally have historically offered the subjects they are interested in?
Map comparing future skills supply and projected vacancies by geographical area, for courses and jobs at Level 3 and below. Split by sector subject, year and qualification level. How many Level 3 job vacancies will there be in 3 years’ time in the sectors linked to young person’s chosen subject area, in the Local Authorities they would be happy to commute to, and which areas would provide the most opportunities? What volume of other young people may they be competing with for these jobs?

Skills Match - Terms and Conditions

The analysis behind Skills Match is complicated and requires a number of assumptions to be made. It is important that anyone using Skills Match to provide information, advice and guidance or to plan provision understand how the analysis has been produced and its limitations.

Please read the full Terms and Conditions document which you can download here

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